Beneficial State Bank, 430 NW 10th, Portland, Oregon

Corporate Advisory

Determine the highest and best value of your assets

Learn what you need, what you don’t, and how to maximize the return of your real estate and facilities.

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Wyse brings a level of expertise normally reserved for large institutional funds to private investors. I trust them completely.

- Kevin Thomas, Chairman, Vaughn Street Holdings

How We Help You Grow

Businesses constantly evolve, which means the needs of your facilities change with the dynamics of your market. We work with leading companies to help them determine the highest and best value of their facilities, leases, real estate holdings, and beyond. So that you know what you need, what you don’t, and how to get the best return on your investments.

Let's Chat

Common Corporate Advisory Engagements

Services to help you lead your market.

Property Managers

Facility analysis.

Determine what you need, what you don’t, and the best strategy to meet your business goals.

Highest and best use analysis.

Understand where you have unrealized value, and how to maximize the return on your assets.

Transaction management.

Ensure a smooth, efficient, and effective transaction. We help manage critical dates, environmental conditions, due diligence, and other critical transaction elements.

Lease review, negotiation, analysis.

Get a clear understanding of real estate agreements and identify opportunities to save money and increase flexibility.

Tenant improvements and space planning management.

Assist in the design and construction of facilities that maximize efficiency and employee engagement, in a cost-effective manner.

Corporate Advisory Services

  • Tenant representation
  • Lease review, negotiation and/or analysis
  • Lease vs. buy analysis
  • Rental rate market comparison
  • Lease administration
  • Tenant improvement and space planning management
  • Regional and local market analysis
  • Real property tax appeals
  • Financial reporting
  • Transaction management
  • Facilities and construction management
  • Asset and property management
  • Acquisition/disposition services
Property Managers

Get the Wyse Report

Learn how the Portland real estate market is changing and how to maximize the value of your portfolio.